P.A.T. Training courses in session Now!
A new way to learn intuition and Spiritual enlightenment for the future.
Our instructors will spiritually guide you in the right direction! You will be pleased with the results!
Some of the major positive aspects of the P.A.T. Personal Development Classes are:
Builds intuitive mind capabilities.
Develops expansion of right brain usage.
Teaches communication skills.
Expands future mind capabilities for mankind.
Builds confidence in personal talents.
Increases one’s intuitive process.
Develops reliance on one’s faith and motives.
Releases stress for better performance.
Helps one to trust self.
When you take the P.A.T course, a "facilitator/teacher” will personally instruct you for Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday.
This is a specially designed course for you! This course is outstanding and tailored to small groups and individuals. All instruction will be done through a special active participation method of on-line teaching in the comfort of your own home. Each class day is 8 hrs long with assignments. The date and times of the classes are set by the instructors.
Go to: https://www.perceptiveawarenessinc.com for more information!
Special Time only: Early bird prices! Contact Facilitators!
Register Now and receive your special introductory rate!
Our instructors have over 20+ years of teaching experience! Each one is a highly trained intuitive who is certified to teach the P.A.T. course. It was originated and developed by Consuella C. Newton, (1931 -2019) the founder of the Integrated Awareness Technique, Soma Pi healing modality, an author and member of the Cambridge Who’s Who (2010).
For more about the founder, Consuella C. Newton go to: https://www.perceptiveawarenessinc.com
Carole Cravath ( Rochester Minnesota) https://www.tiptopwebsite.com/carolecravath
Susan Zummo ( Albuquerque New Mexico) https://susanzummo.com/p_a_t_-on-line-training
Scheduled dates and times are subject to change without notice so please contact your nearest P.A.T. facilitator to confirm next class scheduling! All costs are set by instructors!
P.A.T Testimonials… after 10 years there are many testimonials, but these are just a few:
My teacher was amazing, everything she promised was correct. I enjoyed every minute of it- went so quickly. I am so elated that I attracted this into my life!
Finally finding a source and tools to regain use of my intuition will help my self esteem and self confidence. Hopefully as I practice, gaining confidence and strength so I can aid others. Thank you for putting this together and making it available.
-Naomi S. (Telecommunications Specialist) Virginia
This has been an amazing experience. Thank you for the letting me know that I can integrate everything that I have learned throughout my life on a spiritual basis with P.AT. and still love God; that P.A.T. and accessing my intuition is not based in the darkness but rather in the light.
Thank you for waking me up!
-Shannon H. R. (Management/social Worker) Maryland
I think this is a class that many people will benefit on a personal level. It would be a great point of passage for many people in the transitions of their life.
-Michael M. (Make up artist/Business owner) Colorado
Our teacher was amazing. The instructor had such an understanding and gentle way. They answered all questions no matter how “out there” they seemed, and helped us through a lot of turmoil that we had inside of us.
I am grateful for this experience I was able to have and I would like to thank you.
-Michelle R. C.(Veterinarian Technician) Massachusetts
It was a wonderful experience for me. I am so glad to be here in this class to share this with these beautiful people. I have a renewed motivation to go far.
The course was very informative. The presentations were direct and personalized. Personal attention was very, very helpful and added a strong and positive dimension to the presentation.
-Nicolas T. (Real-estate appraisal) New Jersey.
Thank you for sharing your stories and experiences. I feel honored to have such an amazing teacher and have the opportunity to learn.
-Holly W. (office Worker) British Colombia
I’ve been studying in philosophy/meditations groups for the last 4 years. This compliments everything we’ve been doing. P.A.T. bridges religion, philosophy beliefs.
-Jann P. (Construction Management) New Mexico
Thank you – in many ways it felt like I was coming home that I was given tools that are intrinsic to my way of already being in the world. These tools allow me to trust and be more of my soul.
-Leslie C. (Psychotherapist) Washington St.
This class was so incredible! I feel so blessed to have had these experiences, this was such a gift for me and I see the need in passing this along.
I am very thankful!
-Kathleen B. (Acupuncturist) Washington State.
This was a wonderful experience! I am in “awe” of my classmates and myself with the work that we did. This is life changing!
This was a very satisfying experience. I will suggest this class to others. Our instructor did a very good job in a sometimes challenging atmosphere.
-Mariko M. K. (Dancer/instructor) Florida